Hiya! Well, since I've seen that a lot of people have major art skills, I've decided to have an Art of the Month contest! The thing that you'll get is you will see the picture of YOUR art as the banner for this site, and if you guys have any other suggestions, PM me! Sounds fun? Of course! Here are some rules you have to follow with your art though, and no, this is NOT just about the Akatsuki, it can be about ANYTHING!
1. No sexual content, please.
2. Do NOT make something with stuff in it that might make others mad or offend them
3. Don't push yourself! Everyone will be bound to get a chance. :3
4. Have fun!!
Okay, this includes clay sculptures, paintings, banners, sketches, photographs of stuff that you put together, edits of pictures, drawings, and anything else you can think of! If you think it's art, enter it! I really hope you guys send me some awesome stuff!! And if you have any concerns about your art, like if you don't know if something would be offensive, just ask me *Pein... I'm editing this, lol* or Yari. ^-^